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Saturday, May 11, 2013

To my Mom and other wonderful Moms who probably do not know it is Mother's Day.


You had dreams of me
Before I could ever be...
You embraced me in your heart
When God was doing His part...
And the day we met face to face
What a joy!  You didn't know..
But your happiness made me whole!

Throughout the years you have guided me...
From my first stumbling steps to my firm steps into my own dreams...

From you, I've learned so much, 
How many times you've dried my tears
You taught me that Love is the answer
To all kinds of possible fears.

Thinking of what you mean to me...
You are not only a gift that I received
when I was born..
You are part of my very world

Connected to my heart,  to my thoughts,
To what I am and dream to be
You are the connection that links people 
To love, grace, charm and beauty

Today is Mothers' Day
You probably do not know it
It does not matter, anyway!

The connection is much stronger
Than special days, or celebrations
This connection is the strongest tie
That one could ever have
It transcends time and space and even memory

It goes to the deep essence of who I am
Inspiring me to be to my kids
The mother you have always been to me!

(Photo taken in March 2015)
Thank you very much, Muito obrigada, mãe.

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